2010年1月20日 星期三

character profile

Ba Fun(巴分)- the little brother, loves all the things about bus, for example, routes, models, machines, bus stops, directions, etc. He is innovative, have many ideas. He always wants to prove that he can do great things to his brother. He loves bus because of his brother, (but his brother does not know,) he received a toy bus from his brother in his six years old birthday, and from then on he loves bus. Sometimes, he forces his brother to play bus with him, since he wants his brother to understand him more, and he wants to show his working process to his brother. Fun hopes that one-day, his brother would admit him and willing to play bus with him.

Ba Fon(巴方)- the older brother, sick with playing bus game with his brother. He has no idea to his future and worries about the future. Although he tried hard to study, he did not get a good result, and could not any motivation to study and find his dream, so he becomes very passive, watching tv all day long, and do not study. Fon loves bus in childhood, but hates it when grew up, since he thinks that this hobby is a obstacle to his future and gave his favorite bus model to his brother in his brother ‘s birthday. He thinks his brother is smart but he does not agree with his brother to put most of his time on bus. Fon was always forced to play bus game with his brother, because his brother would not let Fon to watch tv when he got some new ideas, and ask Fon help him, these make him have no idea to reject his brother’s request.

A-Kun(阿娟)- neighbor of Ba. Smart and pretty. Loves money very much. She is a spy and used to sell secrets to others, she found that the plan of the Ba brothers, and thought that the project can sell a good price, so she work with the brothers and planed to steal their work when they finish.

