2010年1月16日 星期六

Animation Reference2

Chinese painting style animations, one with simple lines and one is more complicated and detailed.
This animation transition is good, similar as the first one.

I think the style is greaT, and I think that I can use it as reference to present the time(show the activities in club).

2010年1月14日 星期四

what is the ending?!

After asking some opinions, there are numbers of endings developed:
哥哥一直不了解弟弟的興趣, 最後遇到困難, 卻是靠弟弟對巴士的認識, 解決問題!!!並發現弟弟對巴士的鍾愛, 全因小時候與哥哥乘巴士的快樂回憶....

弟弟為招攬會員, 在網上大力宣傳會社, 惹來反對"電車"文化的網民組織反巴士會社聯盟.......弟弟不單沒有被打沉, 反而把自己與哥哥的相片post上網, 並解構巴士會社的意義, 以示會長及副會長對巴士會社的支持!!!!
哥哥與弟弟出席朋友聚會, 被朋友問起此事, 哥哥辯稱沒有這回事, 只是被人戲弄而已, 但弟弟卻堅持道出巴士會社是二人所成立的, 哥哥被朋友視作電車男, 不斷揶揄他, 他按捺不住....便直斥弟弟是電車男和說出對佢的不滿

3. 佢同細路一起參加一個巴士迷活動上咗電視,所以全人類都識佢地la,哥哥其實想上電視嫁,但係細路以為佢介意,叫人打格仔向哥哥到,哥哥覺得細路唔了解佢,細路反轉話哥哥先係

4. 話其實弟弟一直將影落黎既相放入書冊,,,last 1頁貼左好多哥哥陪弟弟bus既相,自白話好thanks,唔覺意俾哥搵到本野睇到



story line new edition

2010年1月13日 星期三

problems of the story writing

the 1st edition story problem:
Before that I need to repeat my objective again, (since when thinking about the story, I always forget these point), I want to show that although those people(otaku/ train man) have a special hobby, but they just one of us, nothing special, and I want the others get to know about this people. After clear my mind, I found those problems from my story:
1)Why people need to understand these people, isn't they really important? (I need to explain that they are people nearby, and they are a kind of professional.)
2)If this a story of an otaku's life, is it to direct, and not impress enough? (I need to add some parts that the audiences are in sympathy with me, or make something more special to impress them.)
3)How to show that they are actually not very special?(may be make some comparison.)

2010年1月12日 星期二

reference animation

The style and the art direction of these animations are good
This can be a reference for the story, because the story line of this animation is simple be interesting, but the script and sound is very important in this kind of animation.