2010年1月26日 星期二
2010年1月25日 星期一
2010年1月24日 星期日
Project Brief
Objectives: Everyone ‘s dream and hobbies have a potential to develop, no matter that is special or even strange, and we cannot be discouraged because of its strangeness.
Inspiration: 港鐵康城站首日啟用:( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fqQxKz2jYY) 港鐵康城站開幕:(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3mna_ZR0NE&feature=related)
These are only part of the example of the otaku (train man) in Hong Kong, there are actually more, and they have special hobby that in others point of view is nonsence and crazy. Besides, we can always find them in our neighborhood, these people are always discriminated by others. If you try to get to know one of them, they are normal people as we are, and sometimes you can find that they are smart and know something useful. And they have great enthusiasm on studying the things they like and even create something new which are related to their hobby.
Target audience: age15-20, secondary students, who start to find their dreams, have no idea to the future. These group of people start to plan their future, and choose the electives to study, they need to decide whether continue to study or find a job. Some people would become homeboy because they have no idea to their own future and have no motivation to work hard.
Approach: This animation is target at the Hong Kong students, the story would be reflected the problems that the students faced nowadays. The character would be human, and their age and appearance are similar to the target audiences, it is the most direct way to show that who are my target audiences. The story would be reflecting the real life and including some special elements, for example exaggerate plots and action. I would choose Japanese style limited animation to present the story, since I wanted to show the details of the situation but not the motion, besides concerning the limited timing for one-man production, a limited animation is prefer.
For showing the difference between the brothers, I would use different color tone on them and their background, for the older brother, I would use a cool and darker color tone, and sleepily eyes to show that he does not have any planning for the future and the helpless and hopeless he is. And the younger brother would have a brighter color tone, or even a crazy match, to show that his enthusiasm on bus and his personality.
For the drawing style, I would not choose a childish tone to present the story, since it is target at teenagers, and I want to discuss a homeboy problem; yet, for talking about the bus-holic younger brother, I do not want to make it a serious problem, show I would more color in the younger brother scenes.
Genres:comedy, science fiction
References: I do researches on both otaku and homeboy in Hong Kong. We can always find them around us, from newspaper, websites, and neighborhood. Here is the reference for the development of Fon 社工促跟進失學失業(http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/100106/4/fztb.html) 聞父門外飲泣 隱青醒覺重返校園(http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/100116/4/g5j5.html) 學校探熱針﹕從自尊五感學起 東華三院甲寅年總理中學(http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/091022/4/etgs.html)
The character of Fun: 藍田巴士迷楊學德 - 膠報 (from RTHK): http://utopianvision.co.uk/bollywood/videos/?v=aU6NlLznRAQ
I have used some photos in apple daily as reference for the mood board.
For the story, I researched some movie and animation that about impossible mission, dream or target achievement as an example for my story structure, for example, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,少林足球.
For the bus model research: http://www.paperbuses.com/hongkong/
Story: It is a story about a boy, Ba Fon, fail to pass the exam (background would not be shown in the animation), from then on he become a homeboy. He had no motivation to do anything, even to play his beloved bus, he thought that his fail in the exam was caused by bus, so he hate but bus in the beginning of the story.
His younger brother, Ba Fun, loved bus, and he started to have some planning to show that his hobby is not wasting of time; at the same time, he wanted to cheer his brother up. Every time he forced Ba Fon to participate his activities, in order to motivate Ba Fon again. However, in Ba Fon ‘s view, his brother ‘s action was a disaster, and he was afraid to do any the bus research activities with his brother.
One day, Fun had a new idea on the bus research development, he wanted to told his brother Fon, but Fon again did not seem interested in it, and even said, ‘I am not going to be bus driver, why should I need to know!? (夠啦!好煩呀!我又唔係要做巴士司機,做咩要知你d結果呀!?)’. Fun was disappointed and he left a message, which is a code message to Fon, and went away. Fon woke up and could not find Fun, but only the message. Fon read the message, and his face changed. He went into Fun’s room, and found that there were a lot of papers and books on the table, and a big chart on his wall. He looked closer to the chart, it seemed like a code system, and the title of the chart is called “bus code”, he finally figured out what research his brother Fun was doing, and also knew that why Fun was working so hard on breaking the bus code. The message touched Fon. And Fon went to find Fun.
This was the first time Fon went out to the street after he fail the exam, when Fon was finding Fun, some flash back starts, it was the day before Fon’s exam and was Fun’s birthday, Fon took Fun to have a bus trip, and Fun was so excited. Fun said, ‘Bus driver was really great, I want to be bus driver when I grown up!” ”then I would be a person as great as bus driver when I grown up, I promise” Fon said(分:「巴士司機好利害呀! 每日都載着不同的人,駕駛着這麼大的巴士,安全到達目的地,我大個要做巴士司機!」方:「咁我都唔可以輸,我要做一個同巴士司機一樣利害的人。」).
Fon found Fun finally in the bus stop. They took the bus trip together again. When they got off the bus, Fon took out a paper, which was the message that Fun left to him. The flash back started again, on Fun’s birthday, when the Ba’s got off the bus, Fon told a code to Fun, and said, ”It is the bus code, this is our secret.” After that, Fun started to do the bus research to try to break the bus code and show the answer to his brother, this was the reason why Fun do so many research on bus at the beginning of the story.
Fun got the message from Fon, and he found that the code have broken by his brother, and said ”My answer is right, the code the route of this bus trip and the time arrived of this trip.” Fun was happy that he had the right answer. “I am sorry. I have wasted so much time, I would take the exam again to keep my promise.” Fon said.(方:「對唔住!一直要你擔心!我會努力再考試,去證明我係得嫁,今次我唔會放棄!」)
Mood Board:
Characters profile: Ba Fun(巴分)- the little brother, loves all the things about bus, for example, routes, models, machines, bus stops, directions, etc. He is innovative, have many ideas. He always wants to prove that he can do great things to his brother. He loves bus because of his brother, (but his brother does not know,) he received a toy bus from his brother in his six years old birthday, and from then on he loves bus. Sometimes, he forces his brother to play bus with him, since he wants his brother to understand him more, and he wants to show his working process to his brother. Fun hopes that one-day, his brother would admit him and willing to play bus with him.
Ba Fon(巴方)- the older brother, sick with playing bus game with his brother. He has no idea to his future and worries about the future. Although he tried hard to study, he did not get a good result, and could not any motivation to study and find his dream, so he becomes very passive, watching tv all day long, and do not study. Fon loves bus in childhood, but hates it when grew up, since he thinks that this hobby is a obstacle to his future and gave his favorite bus model to his brother in his brother ‘s birthday. He thinks his brother is smart but he does not agree with his brother to put most of his time on bus. Fon was always forced to play bus game with his brother, because his brother would not let Fon to watch tv when he got some new ideas, and ask Fon help him, these make him have no idea to reject his brother’s request.
story line new edition4
It is a story about a boy, Ba Fon, fail to pass the exam (background would not be shown in the animation), from then on he become a homeboy. He had no motivation to do anything, even to play his beloved bus, he thought that his fail in the exam was caused by bus, so he hate but bus in the beginning of the story.
His younger brother, Ba Fun, loved bus, and he started to have some planning to show that his hobby is not wasting of time; at the same time, he wanted to cheer his brother up. Every time he forced Ba Fon to participate his activities, in order to motivate Ba Fon again. However, in Ba Fon ‘s view, his brother ‘s action was a disaster, and he was afraid to do any the bus research activities with his brother.
One day, Fun had a new idea on the bus research development, he wanted to told his brother Fon, but Fon again did not seem interested in it, and even said, ‘I am not going to be bus driver, why should I need to know!? (夠啦!好煩呀!我又唔係要做巴士司機,做咩要知你d結果呀!?)’. Fun was disappointed and he left a message, which is a code message to Fon, and went away. Fon woke up and could not find Fun, but only the message. Fon read the message, and his face changed. He went into Fun’s room, and found that there were a lot of papers and books on the table, and a big chart on his wall. He looked closer to the chart, it seemed like a code system, and the title of the chart is called “bus code”, he finally figured out what research his brother Fun was doing, and also knew that why Fun was working so hard on breaking the bus code. The message touched Fon. And Fon went to find Fun.
This was the first time Fon went out to the street after he fail the exam, when Fon was finding Fun, some flash back starts, it was the day before Fon’s exam and was Fun’s birthday, Fon took Fun to have a bus trip, and Fun was so excited. Fun said, ‘Bus driver was really great, I want to be bus driver when I grown up!” ”then I would be a person as great as bus driver when I grown up, I promise” Fon said(分:「巴士司機好利害呀! 每日都載着不同的人,駕駛着這麼大的巴士,安全到達目的地,我大個要做巴士司機!」方:「咁我都唔可以輸,我要做一個同巴士司機一樣利害的人。」).
Fon found Fun finally in the bus stop. They took the bus trip together again. When they got off the bus, Fon took out a paper, which was the message that Fun left to him. The flash back started again, on Fun’s birthday, when the Ba’s got off the bus, Fon told a code to Fun, and said, ”It is the bus code, this is our secret.” After that, Fun started to do the bus research to try to break the bus code and show the answer to his brother, this was the reason why Fun do so many research on bus at the beginning of the story.
Fun got the message from Fon, and he found that the code have broken by his brother, and said ”My answer is right, the code the route of this bus trip and the time arrived of this trip.” Fun was happy that he had the right answer. “I am sorry. I have wasted so much time, I would take the exam again to keep my promise.” Fon said.(方:「對唔住!一直要你擔心!我會努力再考試,去證明我係得嫁,今次我唔會放棄!」)